Source code for fixtures.log

import collections

import pytest

from utils import log

#: A dict of tests, and their state at various test phases
test_tracking = collections.defaultdict(dict)

# Expose the cfme logger as a fixture for convenience
[docs]def logger(): return log.logger
[docs]def pytest_runtest_setup(item): path, lineno, domaininfo = item.location logger().info(log.format_marker(_format_nodeid(item.nodeid), mark="-"), extra={'source_file': path, 'source_lineno': lineno}) yield
[docs]def pytest_collection_modifyitems(session, config, items): logger().info(log.format_marker('Starting new test run', mark="=")) expression = config.getvalue('keyword') or False expr_string = ', will filter with "{}"'.format(expression) if expression else '' logger().info('Collected {} items{}'.format(len(items), expr_string))
[docs]def pytest_runtest_logreport(report): # e.g. test_tracking['test_name']['setup'] = 'passed' # test_tracking['test_name']['call'] = 'skipped' # test_tracking['test_name']['teardown'] = 'failed' yield test_tracking[_format_nodeid(report.nodeid, False)][report.when] = report.outcome if report.when == 'teardown': path, lineno, domaininfo = report.location test_status = _test_status(_format_nodeid(report.nodeid, False)) if test_status == "failed": try: logger().info( "Managed providers: {}".format( ", ".join([ prov.key for prov in])) ) except KeyError as ex: if 'ext_management_systems' in ex.msg: logger().warning("Unable to query ext_management_systems table; DB issue") else: raise logger().info(log.format_marker('{} result: {}'.format(_format_nodeid(report.nodeid), test_status)), extra={'source_file': path, 'source_lineno': lineno}) if report.outcome == "skipped": logger().info(log.format_marker(report.longreprtext))
[docs]def pytest_exception_interact(node, call, report): # Despite the name, call.excinfo is a py.code.ExceptionInfo object. Its traceback property # is similarly a py.code.TracebackEntry. The following lines, including "entry.lineno+1" are # based on the code there, which does unintuitive things with a traceback's line number. # This is the same code that powers py.test's output, so we gain py.test's magical ability # to get useful AssertionError output by doing it this way, which makes the voodoo worth it. entry = call.excinfo.traceback.getcrashentry() logger().error(call.excinfo.getrepr(), extra={'source_file': entry.path, 'source_lineno': entry.lineno + 1})
[docs]def pytest_sessionfinish(session, exitstatus): c = collections.Counter() for test in test_tracking: c[_test_status(test)] += 1 # Prepend a total to the summary list results = ['total: {}'.format(sum(c.values()))] + map( lambda n: '{}: {}'.format(n[0], n[1]), c.items()) # Then join it with commas summary = ', '.join(results) logger().info(log.format_marker('Finished test run', mark='=')) logger().info(log.format_marker(str(summary), mark='='))
def _test_status(test_name): test_phase = test_tracking[test_name] # Test failure in setup or teardown is an error, which pytest doesn't report internally if 'failed' in (test_phase.get('setup', 'failed'), test_phase.get('teardown', 'failed')): return 'error' # A test can also be skipped elif 'skipped' in test_phase.get('setup', 'skipped'): return 'skipped' # Otherwise, report the call phase outcome (passed, skipped, or failed) else: return test_phase.get('call', 'skipped') def _format_nodeid(nodeid, strip_filename=True): # Remove test class instances and filenames, replace with a dot to impersonate a method call nodeid = nodeid.replace('::()::', '.') # Trim double-colons to single nodeid = nodeid.replace('::', ':') # Strip filename (everything before and including the first colon) if strip_filename: try: return nodeid.split(':', 1)[1] except IndexError: # No colon to split on, return the whole nodeid return nodeid else: return nodeid