Source code for cfme.web_ui.expression_editor

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
""" The expression editor present in some locations of CFME.

from functools import partial
from selenium.common.exceptions import NoSuchElementException
from multimethods import singledispatch

from utils.wait import wait_for, TimedOutError
import cfme.fixtures.pytest_selenium as sel
from cfme.web_ui import Anything, Calendar, Form, Input, Region, AngularSelect, fill
import re
import sys
import types
from utils.pretty import Pretty

def _make_button(title):
    return "//span[not(contains(@style,'none'))]//img[@alt='{}']".format(title)

def _root():
    return sel.element("//div[@id='exp_editor_div']")

def _atom_root():
    return sel.element("./div[@id='exp_atom_editor_div']", root=_root())

def _expressions_root():
    return sel.element("./fieldset/div", root=_root())

# Buttons container
buttons = Region(
        commit="//button[@title='Commit expression element changes']",
        discard="//button[@title='Discard expression element changes']",
        remove="//span[@id='exp_buttons_on']//*[@title='Remove this expression element']",
        NOT="//span[not(contains(@style, 'none'))]" +
            "//img[@alt='Wrap this expression element with a NOT']",
        OR="//span[not(contains(@style, 'none'))]//img[@alt='OR with a new expression element']",
        AND="//span[not(contains(@style, 'none'))]//img[@alt='AND with a new expression element']",
        redo="(//button | //a)[@title='Re-apply the previous change']",
        undo="(//button | //a)[@title='Undo the last change']",
        select_specific="//img[@alt='Click to change to a specific Date/Time format']",
        select_relative="//img[@alt='Click to change to a relative Date/Time format']",

# Buttons for operationg the expression concatenation
[docs]def click_undo():
[docs]def click_redo():
[docs]def click_and():
[docs]def click_or():
[docs]def click_not():
[docs]def click_remove():
### # Buttons for operating the atomic expressions #
[docs]def click_commit():
[docs]def click_discard():
### # Functions for operating the selection of the expressions #
[docs]def select_first_expression(): """ There is always at least one (???), so no checking of bounds. """"//a[contains(@id,'exp_')]", root=_expressions_root())[0])
[docs]def select_expression_by_text(text): sel.element( "//a[contains(@id,'exp_')][contains(normalize-space(text()),'{}')]".format(text), root=_expressions_root() ) )
[docs]def no_expression_present(): els = sel.elements("//a[contains(@id,'exp_')]", root=_expressions_root()) if len(els) > 1: return False return els[0].text.strip() == "???"
[docs]def any_expression_present(): return not no_expression_present()
[docs]def is_editing(): try: sel.element( "//a[contains(@id,'exp_')][contains(normalize-space(text()),'???')]", root=_expressions_root() ) return True except NoSuchElementException: return False
[docs]def delete_whole_expression(): while any_expression_present(): select_first_expression() click_remove()
[docs]def get_expression_as_text(): """ Returns whole expression as represented visually. """ return sel.text("//div[@id='exp_editor_div']/fieldset/div").encode("utf-8").strip()
### # Form handling # field_form = Form( fields=[ ("type", AngularSelect("chosen_typ")), ("field", AngularSelect("chosen_field")), ("key", AngularSelect("chosen_key")), ("value", Input("chosen_value")), ("user_input", Input("user_input")), ] ) field_date_form = Form( fields=[ ("dropdown_select", AngularSelect("chosen_from_1")), ("input_select_date", Calendar("miq_date_1_0")), ("input_select_time", AngularSelect("miq_time_1_0")) ] ) count_form = Form( fields=[ ("type", AngularSelect("chosen_typ")), ("count", AngularSelect("chosen_count")), ("key", AngularSelect("chosen_key", exact=True)), ("value", Input("chosen_value")), ("user_input", Input("user_input")), ] ) tag_form = Form( fields=[ ("type", AngularSelect("chosen_typ")), ("tag", AngularSelect("chosen_tag")), ("value", AngularSelect("chosen_value")), ("user_input", Input("user_input")), ] ) find_form = Form( fields=[ ("type", AngularSelect("chosen_typ")), ("field", AngularSelect("chosen_field")), ("skey", AngularSelect("chosen_skey")), ("value", "#chosen_value"), ("check", AngularSelect("chosen_check")), ("cfield", AngularSelect("chosen_cfield", exact=True)), ("ckey", AngularSelect("chosen_ckey")), ("cvalue", Input("chosen_cvalue")), ] ) registry_form = Form( fields=[ ("type", AngularSelect("chosen_typ")), ("key", Input("chosen_regkey")), ("value", Input("chosen_regval")), ("operation", AngularSelect("chosen_key")), ("contents", Input("chosen_value")), ] ) date_switch_buttons = Region( locators=dict( to_relative="//img[@alt='Click to change to a relative Date/Time format']", to_specific="//img[@alt='Click to change to a specific Date/Time format']" ) ) date_specific_form = Form( fields=[ ("date", Calendar("miq_date_1_0")), ("time", AngularSelect("miq_time_1_0")), ] ) date_relative_form = Form( fields=[ ("from", AngularSelect("chosen_from_1")), ("through", AngularSelect("chosen_through_1")), ] ) ### # Fill commands #
[docs]def fill_count(count=None, key=None, value=None): """ Fills the 'Count of' type of form. If the value is unspecified and we are in the advanced search form (user input), the user_input checkbox will be checked if the value is None. Args: count: Name of the field to compare (Host.VMs, ...). key: Operation to do (=, <, >=, ...). value: Value to check against. Returns: See :py:func:`cfme.web_ui.fill`. """ fill( count_form, dict( type="Count of", count=count, key=key, value=int(value) if value is not None else value, ), ) # In case of advanced search box if sel.is_displayed(field_form.user_input): user_input = value is None else: user_input = None fill(field_form.user_input, user_input)
[docs]def fill_tag(tag=None, value=None): """ Fills the 'Tag' type of form. Args: tag: Name of the field to compare. value: Value to check against. Returns: See :py:func:`cfme.web_ui.fill`. """ fill( tag_form, dict( type="Tag", tag=tag, value=value, ), ) # In case of advanced search box if sel.is_displayed(field_form.user_input): user_input = value is None else: user_input = None fill(field_form.user_input, user_input)
[docs]def fill_registry(key=None, value=None, operation=None, contents=None): """ Fills the 'Registry' type of form.""" return fill( registry_form, dict( type="Registry", key=key, value=value, operation=operation, contents=contents, ), action=buttons.commit )
[docs]def fill_find(field=None, skey=None, value=None, check=None, cfield=None, ckey=None, cvalue=None): fill( find_form, dict( type="Find", field=field, skey=skey, value=value, check=check, cfield=cfield, ckey=ckey, cvalue=cvalue,))
[docs]def fill_field(field=None, key=None, value=None): """ Fills the 'Field' type of form. Args: tag: Name of the field to compare (Host.VMs, ...). key: Operation to do (=, <, >=, IS NULL, ...). value: Value to check against. Returns: See :py:func:`cfme.web_ui.fill`. """ field_norm = field.strip().lower() if "date updated" in field_norm or "date created" in field_norm or "boot time" in field_norm: no_date = False else: no_date = True fill( field_form, dict( type="Field", field=field, key=key, value=value if no_date else None, ), ) # In case of advanced search box if sel.is_displayed(field_form.user_input): user_input = value is None else: user_input = None fill(field_form.user_input, user_input) if not no_date: # Flip the right part of form if isinstance(value, basestring) and not re.match(r"^[0-9]{2}/[0-9]{2}/[0-9]{4}$", value): if not sel.is_displayed(field_date_form.dropdown_select): fill(field_date_form, {"dropdown_select": value}) else: # Specific selection if not sel.is_displayed(field_date_form.input_select_date): if (isinstance(value, tuple) or isinstance(value, list)) and len(value) == 2: date, time = value elif isinstance(value, basestring): # is in correct format mm/dd/yyyy # Date only (for now) date = value[:] time = None else: raise TypeError("fill_field expects a 2-tuple (date, time) or string with date") # TODO datetime.datetime support fill(field_date_form.input_select_date, date) # Try waiting a little bit for time field # If we don't wait, committing the expression will glitch try: wait_for(lambda: sel.is_displayed(field_date_form.input_select_time), num_sec=6) # It appeared, so if the time is to be set, we will set it (passing None glitches) if time: fill(field_date_form.input_select_time, time) except TimedOutError: # Did not appear, ignore that pass finally: # And finally, commit the expression :) else:
### # Processor for YAML commands # _banned_commands = {"get_func", "run_commands", "dsl_parse", "create_program_from_dsl"}
[docs]def get_func(name): """ Return callable from this module by its name. Args: name: Name of the variable containing the callable. Returns: Callable from this module """ assert name not in _banned_commands, "Command '{}' is not permitted!".format(name) assert not name.startswith("_"), "Command '{}' is private!".format(name) try: func = getattr(sys.modules[__name__], name) except AttributeError: raise NameError("Could not find function {} to operate the editor!".format(name)) try: func.__call__ return func except AttributeError: raise NameError("{} is not callable!".format(name))
[docs]def run_commands(command_list, clear_expression=True): """ Run commands from the command list. Command list syntax: .. code-block:: python [ "function1", # no args "function2", # dtto {"fill_fields": {"field1": "value", "field2": "value"}}, # Passes kwargs {"do_other_things": [1,2,3]} # Passes args ] In YAML: .. code-block:: yaml - function1 - function2 - fill_fields: field1: value field2: value - do_other_things: - 1 - 2 - 3 Args: command_list: :py:class:`list` object of the commands clear_expression: Whether to clear the expression before entering new one (default `True`) """ assert isinstance(command_list, list) or isinstance(command_list, tuple) step_list = [] for command in command_list: if isinstance(command, basestring): # Single command, no params step_list.append(get_func(command)) elif isinstance(command, dict): for key, value in command.iteritems(): func = get_func(key) args = [] kwargs = {} if isinstance(value, list) or isinstance(value, tuple): args.extend(value) elif isinstance(value, dict): kwargs.update(value) else: raise Exception("I use '{}' type here!".format(type(value).__name__)) step_list.append(partial(func, *args, **kwargs)) else: raise Exception("I cannot process '{}' type here!".format(type(command).__name__)) if clear_expression: delete_whole_expression() for step in step_list: step()
@singledispatch def create_program(source): """ Wrong call """ raise TypeError("Program code wrong! You must specify string (DSL), command list or None!") @create_program.method(basestring) def _create_program_from_dsl(dsl_program): """ Simple DSL to fill the expression editor. Syntax: DSL consists from statements. Statements are separated with newline or ;. Each statement is a single function call. Functions are called in this module. Function without parameters can be called like this: function or function() If the function has some parameters, you have to choose whether they are kwargs or args. DSL has no string literals, so if you want to call a function with classic parameters: function(parameter one, parameter two, you cannot use comma) And with kwargs: function(username=John Doe, password=top secret) You cannot split the statement to multiple lines as the DSL is regexp-based. Args: dsl_program: Source string with the program. Returns: Callable, which fills the expression. """ SIMPLE_CALL = r"^[a-z_A-Z][a-z_A-Z0-9]*$" ARGS_CALL = r"^(?P<name>[a-z_A-Z][a-z_A-Z0-9]*)\((?P<args>.*)\)$" KWARG = r"^[^=]+=.*$" command_list = [] for i, line in enumerate([x.strip() for x in re.split(r"\n|;", dsl_program)]): if len(line) == 0: continue elif re.match(SIMPLE_CALL, line): command_list.append(line) continue args_match = re.match(ARGS_CALL, line) if not args_match: raise SyntaxError("Could not resolve statement `{}' on line {}".format(line, i)) fname = args_match.groupdict()["name"] args = [x.strip() for x in args_match.groupdict()["args"].split(",")] if len(args) > 0 and len(args[0]) > 0: if re.match(KWARG, args[0]): # kwargs kwargs = dict([map(lambda x: x.strip(), x.split("=", 1)) for x in args]) command_list.append({fname: kwargs}) else: # Args command_list.append({fname: [None if arg == "/None/" else arg for arg in args]}) else: command_list.append(fname) return create_program(command_list) @create_program.method(list) @create_program.method(tuple) def _create_program_from_list(command_list): """ Create function which fills the expression from the command list. Args: command_list: Command list for :py:func:`run_program` Returns: Callable, which fills the expression. """ return partial(run_commands, command_list) @create_program.method(types.NoneType) def _create_program_from_none(none): return lambda: none
[docs]class Expression(Pretty): """This class enables to embed the expression in a Form. Args: show_func: Function to call to show the expression if there are more of them. """ pretty_attrs = ['show_func'] def __init__(self, show_func=lambda: None): self.show_func = show_func
@fill.method((Expression, Anything)) def _fill_expression(e, p): e.show_func() prog = create_program(p) prog()