Source code for cfme.web_ui.accordion

"""A set of functions for dealing with accordions in the UI.


    Using Accordions is simply a case of either selecting it to return the element,
    or using the built in click method. As shown below::

      acc = web_ui.accordion'Diagnostics')

from xml.sax.saxutils import quoteattr, unescape

import cfme.fixtures.pytest_selenium as sel
from cfme.exceptions import AccordionItemNotFound
from cfme.web_ui import Tree, BootstrapTreeview
from utils import version
from utils.log import logger
from utils.wait import wait_for

DHX_ITEM = 'div[contains(@class, "dhx_acc_item") or @class="topbar"]'
DHX_LABEL = '*[contains(@class, "dhx_acc_item_label") or contains(@data-remote, "true")]'
DHX_ARROW = 'div[contains(@class, "dhx_acc_item_arrow")]'
NEW_ACC = '//div[@id="accordion"]//h4[@class="panel-title"]//a[normalize-space(.)={}]'

[docs]def locate(name): """ Returns an accordion by name Args: name: The name of the accordion. Returns: A web element of the selected accordion. """ xpath = version.pick({ version.LOWEST: '//{}/{}//span[normalize-space(.)="{}"]'.format( DHX_ITEM, DHX_LABEL, name), '': NEW_ACC.format(unescape(quoteattr(name)))}) return xpath
[docs]def click(name): """ Clicks an accordion and returns it Args: name: The name of the accordion. Returns: A web element of the clicked accordion. """ try: el = sel.element(locate(name)) if not is_active(name): return except sel.NoSuchElementException: raise AccordionItemNotFound("Accordion item '{}' not found!".format(name))
[docs]def refresh(name): """ Closes and opens accordion Args: name: The name of the accordion. Returns: A web element of the clicked accordion. """ try: el = sel.element(locate(name)) if is_active(name): for _ in range(3): if sel.is_alert_present(): alert = sel.get_alert() alert.accept() if not is_active(name):, wait_ajax=False) continue else: return el except sel.NoSuchElementException: raise AccordionItemNotFound("Accordion item '{}' not found!".format(name))
def _get_accordion_collapsed(name): """ Returns if an accordion is collapsed or not, used with is_active Args: name: The name of the accordion Returns: ``True`` if the accordion is open, ``False`` if it is closed. """ if version.current_version() < '': root = sel.element(locate(name)) # It seems there are two possibilities, so let's handle both. loc = "|".join([ "./{}/{}".format(DHX_LABEL, DHX_ARROW), "../{}".format(DHX_ARROW)]) el = sel.element(loc, root=root) class_att = sel.get_attribute(el, 'class').split(" ") return "item_opened" in class_att else: class_att = sel.get_attribute(sel.element(locate(name)), 'class').split(" ") return "collapsed" not in class_att
[docs]def is_active(name): """ Checks if an accordion is currently open Note: Only works on traditional accordions. Args: name: The name of the accordion. Returns: ``True`` if the button is depressed, ``False`` if not. """ try: return _get_accordion_collapsed(name) except sel.NoSuchElementException: raise AccordionItemNotFound("Accordion item '{}' not found!".format(name))
DYNATREE = "../../..//div[@class='panel-body']//ul[@class='dynatree-container']" TREEVIEW = '../../..//div[contains(@class, "treeview")]' ANY_TREE = '|'.join([DYNATREE, TREEVIEW])
[docs]def tree(name, *path): """Get underlying Tree() object. And eventually click path. If the accordion is not active, will be clicked. Attention! The object is 'live' so when it's obscured, it won't work! Usage: accordion.tree("Something").click_path("level 1", "level 2") accordion.tree("Something", "level 1", "level 2") # is the same Args: *path: If specified, it will directly pass these parameters into click_path of Tree. Otherwise it returns the Tree object. """ try: if not is_active(name): logger.debug('Clicking accordion item %s because it is not active.', name) click(name) except AccordionItemNotFound: logger.debug('Clicking accordion item %s because AccordionItemNotFound raised.', name) click(name) locator = locate(name) # Wait a bit for any of the trees to appear wait_for( lambda: sel.is_displayed(ANY_TREE, root=locator), quiet=True, silent_failure=True, delay=0.2, timeout=5) if sel.is_displayed(DYNATREE, root=locator): # Dynatree detected tree = Tree(sel.element(DYNATREE, root=locator)) elif sel.is_displayed(TREEVIEW, root=locator): # treeview detected el = sel.element(TREEVIEW, root=locator) tree_id = sel.get_attribute(el, 'id') tree = BootstrapTreeview(tree_id) else: raise TypeError('None of the supported trees was detected.') if path: return tree.click_path(*path) else: return tree