Source code for cfme.metaplugins.server_roles

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""Set server roles based on a list of roles attached to the test using metadata plugin.

If you want to specify certain roles that have to be set,
you can use this type of decoration::

    def test_appliance_roles():
        assert foo

This takes the current list from cfme_data.yaml and modifies
it by the server_roles keyword. If prefixed with + or nothing, it adds,
if prefixed with -, it removes the role. It can be combined either
in string and in list, so these lines are functionally equivalent::

    "+automate -foo bar" # (add automate and bar, remove foo)
    ["+automate", "-foo", "bar"]

If you specify the server_roles as ``None``, then all roles
are flushed and the list contains only user_interface role.

Roles can be pulled from the cfme_data fixture using yaml selectors,
which will do a 'set' with the list of roles found at the target path::

    @pytest.mark.meta(server_roles=('level1', 'sublevel2'), server_roles_mode='cfmedata')
    def test_appliance_roles():
        assert len(get_server_roles()) == 3

Which corresponds to this yaml layout::

            - database_operations
            - user_interface
            - web_services

To ensure the appliance has the default roles::

    def test_appliance_roles():

For a list of server role names currently exposed in the CFME interface,
see keys of :py:data:`cfme.configure.configuration.server_roles`.
from markers.meta import plugin

from cfme.configure.configuration import get_server_roles, set_server_roles, server_roles
from utils.conf import cfme_data

available_roles = {field[0] for field in server_roles.fields}

@plugin("server_roles", keys=["server_roles"])  # Could be omitted but I want to keep it clear
@plugin("server_roles", keys=["server_roles", "server_roles_mode"])
[docs]def add_server_roles(server_roles, server_roles_mode="add"): # Disable all server roles # and then figure out which ones should be enabled roles_with_vals = {k: False for k in available_roles} if server_roles is None: # Only user interface roles_with_vals['user_interface'] = True elif server_roles == "default": # The ones specified in YAML roles_list = cfme_data["server_roles"]["sets"]["default"] roles_with_vals.update({k: True for k in roles_list}) elif server_roles_mode == "add": # The ones that are already enabled and enable/disable the ones specified # -server_role, +server_role or server_role roles_with_vals = get_server_roles() if isinstance(server_roles, basestring): server_roles = server_roles.split(' ') for role in server_roles: if role.startswith('-'): roles_with_vals[role[1:]] = False elif role.startswith('+'): roles_with_vals[role[1:]] = True else: roles_with_vals[role] = True elif server_roles_mode == "cfmedata": roles_list = cfme_data # Drills down into cfme_data YAML by selector, expecting a list # of roles at the end. A KeyError here probably means the YAML # selector is wrong for selector in server_roles: roles_list = roles_list[selector] roles_with_vals.update({k: True for k in roles_list}) else: raise Exception('No server role changes defined.') if not available_roles.issuperset(set(roles_with_vals)): unknown_roles = ', '.join(set(roles_with_vals) - available_roles) raise Exception('Unknown server role(s): {}'.format(unknown_roles)) set_server_roles(**roles_with_vals)