Source code for cfme.common.vm_console

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Module containing classes with common behaviour for consoles of both VMs and Instances of all types.

import base64
import re
import tempfile
import time

from cfme.exceptions import ItemNotFound
from PIL import Image, ImageFilter
from pytesseract import image_to_string
from selenium.webdriver.common.keys import Keys
from utils.log import logger
from utils.pretty import Pretty
from wait_for import wait_for, TimedOutError

[docs]class VMConsole(Pretty): """Class to manage the VM Console. Presently, only support HTML5 Console.""" pretty_attrs = ['appliance_handle', 'browser', 'console_handle', 'name'] def __init__(self, vm, console_handle, appliance_handle): = self.selenium = vm.appliance.browser.widgetastic.selenium self.console_handle = console_handle self.appliance_handle = appliance_handle self.provider = vm.provider ### # Methods #
[docs] def get_banner(self): """Get the text of the banner above the console screen.""" self.switch_to_console() # We know the widget may or may not be available right away # so we do this in a try-catch to ensure the code is not stopped # due to an exception being thrown. try: text = self.provider.get_console_connection_status() except ItemNotFound: logger.exception('Could not find banner element.') return None finally: self.switch_to_appliance()'Read following text from console banner: %s', text) return text
[docs] def get_screen(self, timeout=15): """ Retrieve the bit map from the canvas widget that represents the console screen. Returns it as a binary string. Implementation: The canvas tag has a method toDataURL() which one can use in javascript to obtain the canvas image base64 encoded. Examples of how to do this can be seen here: """ # Internal function to use in wait_for(). We need to try to get the # canvas element within a try-catch, that is in within a wait_for() so # we can handle it not showing up right away as it is wont to do on # at least RHV providers. def _get_canvas_element(provider): try: canvas = provider.get_remote_console_canvas() except ItemNotFound: logger.exception('Could not find canvas element.') return False return canvas self.switch_to_console() # Get the canvas element canvas, wait = wait_for(func=_get_canvas_element, func_args=[self.provider], delay=1, handle_exceptions=True, num_sec=timeout)"canvas: {}\n".format(canvas)) # Now run some java script to get the contents of the canvas element # base 64 encoded. image_base64_url = self.selenium.execute_script( "return arguments[0].toDataURL('image/jpeg',1);", canvas ) # The results will look like: # # ... # # So parse out the data from the non image data from the URL: image_base64 = image_base64_url.split(",")[1] # Now convert to binary: image_jpeg = base64.b64decode(image_base64) self.switch_to_appliance() return image_jpeg
[docs] def get_screen_text(self): """ Return the text from a text console. Uses OCR to scrape the text from the console image taken at the time of the call. """ image_str = self.get_screen() # Write the image string to a file as pytesseract requires # a file, and doesn't take a string. tmp_file = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(suffix='.jpeg') tmp_file.write(image_str) tmp_file.flush() tmp_file_name = # Open Image file, resize it to high resolution, sharpen it for clearer text # and then run image_to_string operation which returns unicode that needs to # be converted to utf-8 which gives us text [typr(text) == 'str'] # higher resolution allows tesseract to recognize text correctly text = (image_to_string(((, 4320), Image.ANTIALIAS)).filter(ImageFilter.SHARPEN), lang='eng', config='--user-words eng.user-words')).encode('utf-8') tmp_file.close()'screen text:{}'.format(text)) return text
[docs] def is_connected(self): """Wait for the banner on the console to say the console is connected.""" banner = self.get_banner() if banner is None: return False return re.match('Connected', banner) is not None
[docs] def send_keys(self, text): """Send text to the console.""" self.switch_to_console() canvas = self.provider.get_remote_console_canvas()"Sending following Keys to Console {}".format(text)) for character in text: canvas.send_keys(character) # time.sleep() is used as a short delay between two keystrokes. # If keys are sent to canvas any faster, canvas fails to receive them. time.sleep(0.3) canvas.send_keys(Keys.ENTER) self.switch_to_appliance()
[docs] def send_ctrl_alt_delete(self): """Press the ctrl-alt-delete button in the console tab.""" self.switch_to_console() ctrl_alt_del_btn = self.provider.get_console_ctrl_alt_del_btn()"Sending following Keys to Console CTRL+ALT+DEL") self.switch_to_appliance()
[docs] def send_fullscreen(self): """Press the fullscreen button in the console tab.""" self.switch_to_console() fullscreen_btn = self.provider.get_console_fullscreen_btn()"Sending following Keys to Console Toggle Fullscreen") before_height = self.selenium.get_window_size()['height'] after_height = self.selenium.get_window_size()['height'] self.switch_to_console() if after_height > before_height: return True return False
[docs] def switch_to_appliance(self): """Switch focus to appliance tab/window.""""Switching to appliance: window handle = {}".format(self.appliance_handle)) self.selenium.switch_to_window(self.appliance_handle)
[docs] def switch_to_console(self): """Switch focus to console tab/window.""""Switching to console: window handle = {}".format(self.console_handle)) self.selenium.switch_to_window(self.console_handle)
[docs] def wait_for_connect(self, timeout=30): """Wait for as long as the specified/default timeout for the console to be connected.""" try:'Waiting for console connection (timeout={})'.format(timeout)) wait_for(func=lambda: self.is_connected(), delay=1, handle_exceptions=True, num_sec=timeout) return True except TimedOutError: return False
[docs] def close_console_window(self): """Attempt to close Console window at the end of test.""" if self.console_handle is not None: self.switch_to_console() self.selenium.close()"Browser window/tab containing Console was closed.") self.switch_to_appliance()
[docs] def find_text_on_screen(self, text_to_find, current_line=False): """Find particular text is present on Screen. This function uses get_screen_text function to get string containing the text on the screen and then tries to match it against the 'text_to_find'. Args: text_to_find: This is what will try to search for on screen. Returns: If the match is found returns True else False. """ if current_line: return, self.get_screen_text().split('\n')[-1]) is not None return, self.get_screen_text()) is not None
[docs] def wait_for_text(self, timeout=45, text_to_find="", to_disappear=False): """Wait for as long as the specified/default timeout for the 'text' to show up on screen. Args: timeout: Wait Time before wait_for function times out. text_to_find: value passed to find_text_on_screen function to_disappear: if set to True, function will wait for text_to_find to disappear from screen. """ if not text_to_find: return None try: if to_disappear:"Waiting for {} to disappear from screen".format(text_to_find)) result = wait_for(func=lambda: to_disappear != self.find_text_on_screen(text_to_find), delay=5, num_sec=timeout) return result.out except TimedOutError: return None