Getting Started

Before you start

Welcome to the Getting Started Guide. The CFME QE team is glad that you have decided to read this page that will help you understand how cfme_tests interacts with the appliances. There are some important information contained within this text, so we would like you to spend some time to carefully read this page from beginning to the end. That will make you familiarize with the process and will minimize the chance of doing it wrong. Then you can proceed the shortest way using the setup and execution scripts.

Obtaining what you need (Project Setup)

  • create a dedicated folder for working with the integration tests, our automated quickstart has expectations that best work out when it has its own place
  • obtain the cfme_tests repository (fork and clone)
  • if you have access, obtain the cfme-qe-yamls repository (internal url, please ask the team) and put the .yaml_key file into the root of the cfme_tests repository.
  • enter the cfme_tests repository with your shell and execute python -m cfme.scripting.quickstart which will in turn configure your system, the development environment and the default configuration files
  • activate the development environment by . ../cfme_venv/bin/activate
  • Set up a local selenium server that opens browser windows somewhere other than your desktop. There is a Docker based solution for the browser, look at the script scripts/dockerbot/ That ensures you have the proper versions of browsers. You can also set everything up in your system using Xvnc - Selenium over VNC .

Appliances in containers

If the target appliance you will be testing is a container, you might like to consult Appliances in containers for the details specific to testing containers.

Running Tests

  • Test! Run miq-runtest. (This takes a long time, Ctrl-C will stop it)
  • When miq-runtest ends or you Ctrl-C it, it will look stuck in the phase “collecting artifacts”. You can either wait about 30 seconds, or you can Ctrl-C it again.
  • In either case, check your processes sometimes, the artifactor process likes to hang when forced to quit, but it can also happen when it ends normally, though it is not too common.

Testing Framework

The testing framework being used is py.test

Execution script

An execution script ( is provided. This script handles orchestration of docker, virtualenv, and cfme_test.

Configure path to your virtualenv and your cfme_test repository in the cfme_tests/conf/env.local.yaml.

    PYTHON_ENV_PATH: 'path/to/virtualenv/bin'
    CFME_TEST_PATH: 'path/to/cfme_tests_repo'

The script requires shyaml (pip install shyaml) and tmux (yum install tmux) commands.

#Bash example:
cd /path/to/cfme_test

Navigating within the console:

  • Command mode: ctrl+shift+b
    • up/down to change pane
    • ‘[‘ to scroll within a pane
      • press the ‘Esc’ key to exit scrolling

More tmux commands can be found here:

Using the testing framework (for newbies or non-CFMEQE core people)

Our team relies on a lot of internal tools that simplify life to the QEs. If eg. a developer would like to run cfme_tests on his/her system, here are some tools and tips that should get you started as quickly as possible:

  • cfme_tests expects an appliance, with an IP visible to the machine that runs cfme_tests

    • If this is not the case (eg. CFME behind NAT, a container, whatever), you MUST specify the base_url in configuration with a port, which is quite obvious, but people tend to forget cfme_tests also uses SSH and Postgres extensively, therefore you MUST have those services accessible and ideally on the expected ports. If you don’t have them running on the expected ports, you MUST specify them manually using --port-ssh and --port-db command-line parameters. If you run your code outside of miq-runtest run, you MUST use utils.ports to override the ports (that is what the command-line parameters do anyway). The approach using utils.ports will be most likely discontinued in the future in favour of merging that functionality inside utils.appliance.IPAppliance class. Everything in the repository touching this functionality will get converted with the merging of the functionality when that happens.
  • cfme_tests also expects that the appliance it is running against is configured. Without it it won’t work at all! By configured, we mean the database is set up and seeded (therefore UI running), database permissions loosened so cfme_tests can access it and a couple of other fixes. Check out utils.appliance.IPAppliance.configure(), and subsequent method calls. The most common error is that a person tries to execute cfme_tests code against an appliance that does not have the DB permissions loosened. The second place is SSH unavailable, meaning that the appliance is NAT-ed

    • Framework contains code that can be used to configure the appliance exactly as cfme_tests desires. There are two ways of using it:

      • Instantiate utils.appliance.Appliance or utils.appliance.IPAppliance, depending on whether you want to use IP or provider name with VM name. Then simply run the utils.appliance.Appliance.configure() or utils.appliance.IPAppliance.configure() depending on which class you use. Then just wait and watch logs.

      • You can run exactly the same code from shell. Simply run:

        scripts/ configure ipaddr1 ipaddr2 ipaddr3...

        Which enables you to configure multiple appliances in parallel.

      • Unfortunately, these scripts do not work with non-default ports as of now, so you have to do the steps manually if setting up such appliance.

  • Previous bullet mentioned the scripts/ script. This script can call any method or read any property located in the utils.appliance.IPAppliance. Check the script’s header for more info. The call to that method is threaded per-appliance, so it saves time. Despite the parallelization, the stdout (one line per appliance - return value of the method) prints in the same order as the appliances were specified on the command line, so it is suitable for further shell processing if needed.

  • Similarly, you can use scripts/ script for interacting with the utils.appliance.Appliance methods. It is a bit older and has slightly different usage. And lacks threading.

  • Using utils.appliance.Appliance only makes sense for appliances on providers that are specified in cfme_data.yaml.

  • If you want to test a single appliance, set the base_url in the conf/env.yaml

  • If you want to test against multiple appliances, use the --appliance w.x.y.z parameter. Eg. if you have appliances and, then append --appliance --appliance to the miq-runtest command. Due to a glitch that has not been resolved yet, you should set the base_url to the first appliance.

  • If you have access to Sprout, you can request a fresh appliance to run your tests, you can use command like this one:

    SPROUT_USER=username SPROUT_PASSWORD=verysecret miq-runtest <your pytest params> --use-sprout --sprout-group "<stream name>" --sprout-appliances N

    If you specify N greater than 1, the parallelized run is set up automatically. More help about the sprout parameters are in fixtures.parallelizer. If you don’t know what the sprout group is, check the dropdown Select stream in Sprout itself.

Browser Support

We support any browser that selenium supports, but tend to run Firefox or Chrome.

For detailed instructions on setting up different browsers, see Browser Configuration.